We accept submissions from middle school, high school, and undergraduate students only, as we are a publication run by and created for students. We encourage all forms of academic writing including but not limited to research papers, review articles, and humanity/social science pieces. Each year, we publish issues: once per month. Authors should usually expect to hear back from the Journal within two to five weeks.
When submitting, please make sure that your paper is correctly cited in MLA format (including in-text citations when appropriate) and submit your paper as link to a Google Document. Please ensure that the Curieux Academic Journal’s email has access to the Google Document and can edit it freely. The page limit for submissions is 20 pages (1.15 spaced, Times New Roman, font-size 12), not including works cited. Please review this Example Article for additional information, as formatting your paper correctly will expedite the publishing process. After submission, manuscripts enter a peer review process in which two of our editors separately review each article and decide whether it is suitable for publication in the Curieux Academic Journal. During the process, each paper is vetted for academic integrity, factual certitude, and grammatical correctness. Once a decision is made, editors will work together to advise for admission or rejection into the journal. We accept submissions on a rolling basis, so feel free to send in your paper whenever it’s completed.
We realize that publishing in academic journals may take months; therefore, the Curieux Academic Journal has created two publishing pathways: Fast-track Review and Seasonal Review. Both pathways are peer reviewed by two separate editors and vetted for academic integrity; however Fast-track Review will notify authors if their paper has been accepted for publication within three weeks of submission, while Seasonal Review will notify authors when the next Issue is released. Please allow two-three months for your article to be published in an issue if it has been accepted.
*Although it is free to submit articles for both pathways, a 250 publication fee will be charged for Fast-Track Review while a 200 publication fee will be charged for Seasonal Review upon acceptance of publication into the journal. The fees will be used towards the Journal’s Community Outreach which can be found next to the Feature Research tab above. If any author is in need of financial aid, please email us and we will work to accommodate your needs*
To submit a paper for consideration, please complete the submission form below and you will receive a confirmation email. If you have any additional questions please email us at: